姓 名: 尹飞
职 称:副教授
学 位: 博士
所在机构: 信息与管理科学学院
出生年月: 1983.6
籍 贯: 山西省万荣县
研究方向: 数字图像处理,农业信息化
2001.09 – 2005.07 南京理工大学,理学院,"光信息科学与技术"理学学士
2005.09 – 2007.01. 英国华威大学 电子工程系硕士, "Advanced electronic engineering" School of Engineering, University of Warwick,UK
2007.02 – 2011.06 英国,金斯顿大学,计算机系博士,Faculty of Computing, Information Systems & Mathematics, Kingston University,London,UK
2010.02 – 2011.09 英国,金斯顿大学图像研究所,助理研究员
2011.10 – 2013.1 上海贝尔,研究科学家
2013.10 – 至今 河南农业大学信息与管理科学学院,校级特聘教授
1. “小麦、玉米农田信息智能化决策管理关键技术”,2017国家重点研发计划项目:黄淮海南部小麦-玉米周年光热资源高效利用与水肥一体化均衡丰产增效关键技术研究与模式构建, 粮食丰产增效科技创新专项, 课题主持
2. 小麦智能化群体苗情监控识别技术研究,2014河南省重点科技攻关项目,主持
3. 基于麦田监控图像的苗情自动识别,2013校特聘教授科研启动项目,主持
4. 粮食生产主环节信息服务集成与应用,2014国家十二五科技支撑计划,参加
1.英文专著:尹飞(主编), “Single and multi-camera object detection and tracking systems with sophisticated performance evaluation”,科学出版社(北京),2015.06. ISBN 978-7-03-044603-9
2. 专著:尹飞(参编),小麦温光发育与分子基础,科学出版社,2017.3, ISBN:978-7-03-051664-0,CIP数据核字(2017)021651号, 字数 593000
1.名称 奖励类别
[1] Yang Yu , Sergio A. Velastin, fei Yin , Automatic Grading of apples based on Multi-features and Weighted K-means Clustering Algorithm, Information Processing in Agriculture, 2019 (Nov 27.), ISSN 2214-3173, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2019.11.003.
[2] 董晓辉, 尹飞, "基于多颜色空间的麦田监控图像分割技术研究"[J]. 农业工程技术, 2015(10):48-56.
[3] Fei Yin, Sergio A. Velastin, Tim Ellis and Dimitrios Makris, "Learning Multi-Planar Scene Models in Multi Camera Videos", in IET computer vision, 2015(Feb), Vol 9(1), pp. 25 - 40.
[4] Fei Yin, Sergio A. Velastin, Tim Ellis and Dimitrios Makris, "Calibration and object correspondence in camera networks with widely separated overlapping views", in IET computer vision, 2015(June), Vol 9(3), pp. 354 - 367.
[5] F. Yin, D. Makris, S.A. Velastin and J. Orwell, "Quantitative evaluation of different aspects of motion trackers under various challenges" in Annals of the BMVA, 2010(5) The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, pp. 1-11.
[6] F. Yin, S.A. Velastin, D. Makris and J. Orwell, "Learning non-coplanar scene models by exploring the height variation of tracked objects", in Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2010), 8 Nov - 12 Nov 2010, Queenstown, New Zealand, pp. 1564-1577.
[7] F. Yin, D. Makris and S.A. Velastin, "Time efficient ghost removal for motion detection in visual surveillance systems", in Electronics Letters, 44(23), Institution of Engineering and Technology(IET), November 2008, pp. 1351-1353.
[8] N. Buch, F. Yin, J. Orwell, D. Makris and S.A. Velastin, "Chapter Urban Vehicle Tracking using a combined 3D model detector and classifier", in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Edited by Velásquez, J. D.;Ríos, S. A.;Howlett, R. J.;Jain, L. C., Springer, September 2009, Santiago, Chile, pp. 169-176.
[9] F. Yin, D. Makris and S.A. Velastin, "Real-time ghost removal for foreground segmentation methods", in IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance (VS2008), October 17, Marseille, France.
[10] F. Yin, D. Makris and S.A. Velastin, "Performance Evaluation of Object Tracking Algorithms", in 10th IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS2007), October 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
[11] F. Yin, D. Makris and S.A. Velastin, "Quantitative evaluation of different aspects of motion trackers under challenges", in BMVA symposium on Security and surveillance: performance evaluation, 12 Dec 2007, London, U.K.
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